One of UPM’s highest goals is to deliver and provide top quality products and services in the market in which our company competes, whilst simultaneously respecting the effective legal and regulatory stipulations pertaining to health, safety, environmental and occupational matters. UPM pursues its business objectives taking on board the requirements of its Clients, with a special focus on those which result from standards that they accept as binding.
UPM offers services in the following capacities:
- Steel structures design and delivery;
- Production of steel structures and fitting, preparation of insulation as well as the conduction of scaffolding works;
- Provision of temporary employment in the industry;
- Project management , including personnel recruitment and leasing;
- Training services.
UPM actively pursues continuous improvement of all its company protocols and processes, which includes the management of the HSE aspects with a view to providing the safest working environment to its employees, the employees of our partnering companies and other associates residing in the UPM area. This includes construction sites where work is being carried by the firm.
UPM’s company objectives in this regard include:
- A systemic approach to the management of HSE, quality and environment across the company;
- Products and services maintained to the highest quality alongside stable financial levels with parallel identification and a focus on cost reduction where possible;
- Selection and usage of the safest, most ecological and highest quality products on primary markets and acquired by our trustworthy reputable suppliers;
- The improvement of HSE quality, conditions and environmental impact at the forefront of goals set and tasks undertaken, backed by regular assessment of the management system effectiveness in its accomplishment of the aforementioned goals and tasks set;
- Levelling up employee professional qualifications across the firm via the systematic implementation of relevant training, as well as a bonus scheme to incentivize strong performance and enhance career satisfaction; in turn enhancing quality, safety and occupational health awareness;
- An obligation to minimise environmental impact and ensure environmental protection where possible which includes prevention of pollution;
- The provision of a healthy, safe working environment with a focus on the prevention of work accidents, injuries and other health issues, including hazardous incidents and occupational diseases within HSE and environment protection sphere;
- Alignment with legal requirements and regulatory compliance across all business activities within the company;
- Ruling out threats and mitigating risks throughout the practices of the organization and OHS, including environmental risks;
- The implementation of a supervisory hierarchy pertaining to Risk management in terms of HSE;
- Ongoing and systematic improvement of Quality Management processes and activities with a view to providing health and safety protection to the UPM workforce, along with constant levelling up of environmental protection practices;
- The participation of UPM employees in the company Quality Management System, via organized internal consultation;
- The ongoing goal to ensure that the number of accidents in the workplace remains at zero;
- Encouraging mutual responsibility towards company safety throughout the workforce as well as a strong company reputation for UPM;
- The full implementation of Quality Management System Policy across all arenas and among all persons involved in UPM’s operational processes;
- The execution of business practices with a relentless focus on ensuring that no harm or injuries are done to either employees, company equipment and/or company property or the environment.
The UPM board of management confirms to their best knowledge and awareness, that the Quality Management System Policy in effect is comprehensible, implemented, adhered to kept and continuously improved at all levels of the firm, retaining compliance in line with the strategic objectives of UPM at a company level.